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Who We Are

Mude is an adaptive clothing company that delivers functional and fashionable undergarments to people whose health and wellbeing depends on wearing medical devices. 

Our mission is to empower individuals with practical, stylish solutions, enhancing their comfort and confidence in everyday life.


Our Purpose

At Mude, we're dedicated to empowering individuals to have the ability to express themselves through their choice of clothing, regardless of any medical conditions or devices.


We understand that everyone needs choice over the clothes they wear, and we firmly believe they should have the freedom to express themselves without limitation. We want to ensure that everyone has the option to wear the clothes they love, and feel confident in their body, no matter their size, gender or ability.


Join Our Revolution

At the heart of Mude is a social movement.


For the Mude vision to succeed we need systems, organisations and communities to embrace the thinking, contributions and ideas of people who have lived the experience. This will mean going on the journey together and acknowledging different ways of thinking, and being.


It’s a new way to develop products and a new approach which is missing from many teams, companies and systems.

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